SS Wall Tapestry # 831
Large tree of life pattern tapestry measuring over 5 feet high and
almost 4 feet wide. A collector friend was kind enough to send me period
photos of SS officer Gunter d'Alquen showing a very similar pattern in use.
use of these tapestries as home decor for the SS man as well as
National Socialists is well known and they can be found in period
catalogs from the manufactures and in some period photo's, these photo's
are the nicest period photo's that I can remember seeing.
Photos: Kris Lindblom
Period Photos: Deutsches Historisches Museum by Liselotte Orgel-Köhne.
SS Wall Tapestry
Large tree of life pattern tapestry measuring over 5 feet high and
almost 4 feet wide. A collector friend was kind enough to send me period
photos of SS officer Gunter d'Alquen showing a very similar pattern in use.
use of these tapestries as home decor for the SS man as well as
National Socialists is well known and they can be found in period
catalogs from the manufactures and in some period photo's, these photo's
are the nicest period photo's that I can remember seeing.
Photos: Kris Lindblom
Period Photos: Deutsches Historisches Museum by Liselotte Orgel-Köhne.
SS Wall Tapestry