About Us
Growing up in a household of collectors and history buff's made for an interesting childhood, tripping over firearms and swords was not an uncommon occurrence as a child, and hiding Nazi flags from pending company was just normal behavior. Watching items come and go became common, and I started to play as well. Using my odd jobs and paper route, I was bringing home all kinds of goodies. My father was pleased and he paid well.

As he moved from collecting one item to the next, the book shelves began to grow at an alarming rate, and I was not sure what he would bring home next. Two books always caught my attention, black dust jackets with and one having the swastika on the spine. Rise and Fall of the Third Reich and Mein Kampf were always present, the staples of a well rounded library for the history enthusiast.
Having read those and much more, the Third Reich would become an addiction of sorts as I looked for more and more information on the subject. But my collecting focus was scattered and no one area really caught my eye. Allach Porcelain changed all of that rather quickly, it also changed my view of the Third Reich and added another to dimension to what I felt was an already complicated era.
With the arrival of the internet, all the players became visible and I moved quickly to gather Allach pieces, I wanted them all, and each new piece was a source of wonder and pleasure. I had never seen such work, and the connection to the Reich made it all the more interesting. I focused in on these items and went after them with a vengeance. Since that time I have taken an interest in all of the artistic aspects of the Reich.
With all the web sites to be found on the web, most are sale based or historical sites. What I found to be lacking was a source of information that was content based, the most useful site's were actually auction sites. They gave information and had pictures and had a final sale price which could be utilized as a guide to gauge the market.
The focus of this site was to compile all the data on Allach I could put my fingers on and place it on one site so that the collector or enthusiast could click for answers, as opposed to running to several references or running to a forum and waiting for an answer. Data pertaining to Allach in the English language, is just not readily available. Now at least some of it is.
From this point on, the site will focus in other area's of interest. Bronze, SS, Various non-Allach porcelain items, and eventually paint and artist information. What I hope to end up with is a site that is beneficial to the hobby and collector as a resource for fine arts of the Third Reich. And I will be adding items as they come in and will be making requests for others so that they may be shown and their relevance explained.
I hope you enjoy the site and if anyone has any questions or suggestions, I would be happy to hear from you.
Kris Lindblom
"No People Live Longer than the Documents of Their Culture"
--Karl Diebitsch 1939. Berlin