Coburg Anniversary Plate # 1102
A rare example of a Coburg plate denoting the 15th anniversary of the
battle of Coburg. Plate is manufactured of porcelain and is designed
and manufactured to look as though it were terra cotta or clay. The
process was used on many occasions for awards and pieces that were
highly significant and giving the piece the look of being older than
porcelain itself.
A rare example of Third Reich history and the first example I have seen.
Credits: Erich Schaefer Collection.
(Coburg Anniversary Plate)
A rare example of a Coburg plate denoting the 15th anniversary of the
battle of Coburg. Plate is manufactured of porcelain and is designed
and manufactured to look as though it were terra cotta or clay. The
process was used on many occasions for awards and pieces that were
highly significant and giving the piece the look of being older than
porcelain itself.
A rare example of Third Reich history and the first example I have seen.
Credits: Erich Schaefer Collection.
(Coburg Anniversary Plate)