4-Model #4 Lying Elefant Allach # 380
The standing elephant and sitting elephant were also popular catalog
items. If you look at the production figures for 1938/39 it is clear
they were quite popular. This is further enforced by the addition of two
additional elephant's later in production.
Lying Elefant
Prof. Karner
Production Start 1936
Production 1938
White 227
Color 84
Production 1939
White 39
Color 111
Production of these figures would enter the war years.
4-Model #4 Lying Elefant Allach
The standing elephant and sitting elephant were also popular catalog
items. If you look at the production figures for 1938/39 it is clear
they were quite popular. This is further enforced by the addition of two
additional elephant's later in production.
Lying Elefant
Prof. Karner
Production Start 1936
Production 1938
White 227
Color 84
Production 1939
White 39
Color 111
Production of these figures would enter the war years.
4-Model #4 Lying Elefant Allach